Corona – Dragging Objects

Dragging Objects

Dragging objects on the screen is not difficult. There are a few steps that need to be followed.

Since a drag must begin on a touch down and end when you touch up. You’ll need to use a touch event, rather than a tap.

Focus describes which object is currently getting the computers attention. The dragging object needs to keep focus for the duration of the drag. If another object takes focus in the middle of the drag our object may stop moving in the middle of a dragging unintentionally.

To make the drag look best we will want the dragged object to move a distance relative to it’s center and the location of the initial touch. Without this offset the object will shift to align it’s center with your finger when the touch begins.

When the drag is finished we need to return focus to the stage. This will allow other objects to take focus.

-- make an object to drag

local box = display.newRect( 0, 0, 100, 100 )

box.x = display.contentCenterX -- Move the object to the

box.y = display.contentCenterY  -- center of the screen

-- This function handles touch events on the object

local function on_touch( event )

-- Get the target object

local target =

-- Check the phase of the event. Here the drag begins

if event.phase == "began" then -- When the event begins

local parent = target.parent -- get the parent object

parent:insert( target ) -- move the drag object to the top

-- The dragging object needs to keep focus

display.getCurrentStage():setFocus( target )

target.isFocus = true -- Mark this object as having focus

-- Get the offset from center of the object to the location

-- of the event

target.offsetX = event.x - target.x

target.offsetY = event.y - target.y

-- This phase handles moving the object

elseif target.isFocus and event.phase == "moved" then

target.x = event.x - target.offsetX -- Position the object

target.y = event.y - target.offsetY -- using the offsets

-- This phase ends the drag

elseif event.phase == "ended" or event.phase == "cancelled" then

display.getCurrentStage():setFocus( nil ) -- reset focus

target.isFocus = false -- mark this object as no longer having focus



-- Add this event listener for touch events to the dragging object

box:addEventListener( "touch", on_touch )

This example was taken from: This simplifies the Drag Me example to it’s essential code.

Corona – More Easing types

More easing types

The easing types provided out of the box with Corona are limited. Some of the classic easing types that people have long considered standard, like elastic, just aren’t there.

Fear not, these can be added through an external library. I found some code on the Corona site here:

Note: The discussion talks about changes and modifications to the first code block presented. The code I’m using here comes from further down the page at post #7.

This library expands the easing types to include the following new types:

  • easeIn
  • easOut
  • easInOut
  • easeOutIn
  • easeInBack
  • easeOutBack
  • easeInOutBack
  • easeOutInBack
  • easeInBounce
  • easeOutBounce
  • easeInOutBounce
  • easeOutInBounce
  • easeInElastic
  • easeOutElastic
  • easeInOutElastic
  • easeOutInElastic

These add a lot more possibilities to motion created with

Here’s some sample code. The example below imports the new easing library and then applies an elastic ease to an object.

To make this example work you’ll need to get the code from the link above and save into a file named easingX.lua. This new file will need to be in the same folder as main.lua.

-- The easing methods included here expand on the default easing
-- included with Corona. The extra library of easing formulas is
-- imported through the easing.lua. The code for this was obtained
-- at:
-- Note: The discussion talks about changes and modifications to
-- the first code block presented. The code I'm using here comes
-- from further down the page at post #7.
-- require the easingX library
easingX = require "easingX"

local box = display.newRect( 0, 0, 50, 50 )

box.x = display.contentCenterX

-- Note the use transition in the parameters.
-- get the newer easing ypes from easingX which was required above. box, {time=3000, y=display.contentCenterY, transition=easingX.easeOutElastic} )

Here you can see the box moves with an elastic quality swinging back and forth past the  target value before settling into stop.

Corona – Animation

Corona Animation Overview

Animation can be looked at in two different categories: Object animation and Frame animation.

Object animation would be defined as moving objects on the screen by setting the x, y or other properties. Frame based animation would be animation created by cycling through a series of images.

These two types of animation can be used together. For the first part of this discussion we will look at each separately.

Continue reading Corona – Animation

Corona – Display Objects

Display Objects

Anything you can see on the screen is considered a display objects. Display objects can be images, text, shapes or almost anything you can think of.

Corona provides a few display object types. You can divide these into three broad categories:

  • shapes
  • text
  • images

An object in programming terms is defined as a collection of properties and methods. properties are variables that belong to the object and methods are functions that belong to the object.

For example a shape object might have properties of x and y. The x and y properties might set the location of the object on the x and y axis.

Many of the properties and methods of display objects are common to all display objects. While other properties and methods are specific to certain display objects. For example the x and y property exists for all display objects. The text property only applies to text objects.

The best way to get an idea of how to work with display objects is make a few.

Create a new Corona project and add the following code the main.lua file.

local box = display.newRect( 0, 0, 50, 100 )

This creates a new rectangle with it’s left edge at 0, top edge 0 and a width of 50 and height 100 pixels.

display.newRect( left, top, width, height )

This method creates a new rectangular shape. The shape has a solid color fill.

I have declared a new local variable box to hold a reference to the new box that was created. Through this variable you can access all of the properties and method of new object. Here are a few examples:

local box = display.newRect( 0, 0, 50, 100 )

-- Set the x and y to position the
-- box in the center of the screen
box.x = display.contentCenterX
box.y = display.contentCenterY

-- Set the fill color of the box
box:setFillColor( 33, 111, 255 )

-- Add a stroke
box.strokeWidth = 3

-- Set the stroke color
box:setStrokeColor(255, 222, 123 )

In general all display objects act the same way. Different types of display objects will have properties or methods that specific to them. For example the setTextColor() method only applies to text objects.

Corona – for loop

The for loop

Often when writing a program you will want to repeat the same process. Luckily there is a construct designed especially for this.

Meet the for loop

The for loop is a construct that repeats a block of code a set number of times. Here’s an example that counts from 1 to 10:

for count = 1, 10, 1 do
    print( “count:”, count )

Here count is a variable assigned a starting value of 1. 10 is defined as the ending value for count. And, 1 is the value that will increment count with each repeat. That is 1 will be added to count with each repeat.

The code between do and end is repeated with each count.

The variable used to keep track of the loop can use any name you like. For example you’ll often see i used here.

for i = 1, 12, 1 do
    print( “Count:”, i )

Essentially the loop counts from the first number to the second number, adding or stepping with the third number.

Count backwards

For loops can count forward or backward. Try this example:

for count = 10, 1, -1 do
    print( “Count:”, count )

This time the loop starts at 10 and counts by subtracting 1 each time until count reaches a value of 1.

Stepping by values other than 1

The step can also be any value you like. For example:

for count = 2, 10, 2 do
    print( “Count:”, count )

This time the loop begins the count on 2, and steps 2 with each repeat, counting the event numbers from 2 to 10.

A few notes on loops

When a loop is run the computer does not up the screen. Therefore you can not use a loop to animate objects! All other processes are suspended until the loop completes.

That said you can use a for loop inside of an enterFrame handler to animate a list of objects.

Why use a loop?

Many times you will have lists of things to work with. Imagine a game like Tetris. A for loop makes a good choice for updating all of the tiles on the board when the game updates.

Space Invaders type games might use a for loop to loop through all of the invaders to move and check for collisions.

Any program might us a for loop to loop through a list of display objects to position and initialize them when the program begins.

Corona – Arrays

The Array

Let’s talk Arrays. In any language an Array is variable that holds a list of values. Array sounds so technical. Just call it a list, everyone understands a list. Here’s an example:

{ "Apples", "Bananas", "Cherries" }

Note the syntax. The whole thing is wrapped in the { (left curly brace) and the } (right curly brace). These define the extent of the list. Each list item is separated by a comma (,).

Make an array

Try it yourself. Make a new Corona project and type the following into main.lua. Below I have defined a local variable and set it equal to an array.

local fruit_array = { "Apples", "Bananas", "Cherries" }

Continue reading Corona – Arrays