SineWave and DrawSine Classes

These two classes create a wave form made up of one or more sine waves. The waves are all added together and dawn as a single composite wave.

DrawSine Class

The example below shows one SineWave. Clicking the mouse on the example adds another. Notice how the wave changes with each click. The effect is caused by adding waves. This is similar to audio waves or water.

[kml_flashembed movie=”” height=”200″ width=”400″ /]

The two classes are SineWave and DrawSine.

The SineWave class defines a sine wave. The class defines properties of a single sine wave. The SineWave class has properties for phase, cycles, radius and increment.

To make a new SineWave use the following syntax:

my_sine = new SineWave( phase:Number, cycles:Number, radius:Number, increment:Number );

Sinwave defines the following properties:

  • phase:Determines where along the cycle the wave begins.
  • cycles: Sets the number complete Sine waves that are drawn within the width.
  • radius: Sets the height of the wave in pixels. The wave extends this amount above and below it’s center.
  • inc: Use this value to increment the phase of a wave.

The second Class is the DrawSine class. This class draws a composite wave form made of any number of SineWaves. The constructor defines the width and height of the wave and the number points used to draw the wave. It also has a draw_waves() method that takes an array of SineWaves as a parameter. DrawSine draws a single wave form made from a composite of all the SineWave objects in the array. DrawSine can draw a filled shape or only a stroke.

Use the following syntax to make a new DrawSine object:

draw_sine = new DrawSine( _mc:MovieClip, width:Number, height:Number, steps:Number )

  • _mc: Set the movie clip instance the wave will be drawn in.
  • width: Set the width of the drawn wave.
  • height: Set the height of the wave.
  • steps: Set the number of points used to draw the wave.

The following would create new DrawSine object that will draw it’s wave in the movie clip sin_mc. The wave would be 550 pixels wide and have a height of 400. The wave would be drawn using 200 points.

var wave = new DrawSine( sin_mc, 550, 400, 200 );

set_stroke( stroke_weight:Number, stroke_color:Number )

The set_stroke method sets the stroke weight and color that is used to draw the wave. Setting stroke weight to 0 will cause DrawSine to NOT draw the stroke. The following would set the stroke to 3 pixels and give it a color of medium green.

wave.set_stroke( 3, 0x006600 );

The following would turn off the stroke by setting the weight to 0;

wave.set_stroke( 0, 0x006600 );

set_fill( show_fill:Boolean, fill_color:Number, fill_alpha:Number )

The set_fill() method turns the fill on or off and sets the fill color and alpha of the fill. Setting show_fill to true causes the DrawSine object to draw a box to the height set in the constructor. The following line would draw a dark green 100% alpha fill.

wave.set_fill( true, 0x009900, 100 );

Turn the fill off like this:

wave.set_fill( false, 0x009900, 100 );

draw_waves( wave_array:Array )

Use the draw_waves method to draw a composite wave made up of any number of SineWaves. Pass an array of SineWave objects. For example the following defines three new SineWave objects and then draws them.

// Make three sine waves SineWave( phase, cyclse height, inc )
var sin_0 = new SineWave( 0, 3, 20, 0 );
var sin_1 = new SineWave( 0, 1, 20, 0 );
var sin_2 = new SineWave( 0, 6, 20, 0 );

// Draw a composite wave made of the three SineWaves
wave.draw_waves( [ sin_0, sin_1, sin_2 ] );
To animate the waves call draw_waves periodically, with onEnterFrame for example. The following code defines three waves and animates them.

// Make and animate three SinWaves
var sin_array = new Array();
sin_array.push( new SineWave( 0, 3, 20, .1 ) );
sin_array.push( new SineWave( 0, 1, 20, .1 ) );
sin_array.push( new SineWave( 0, 6, 20, .1 ) );

// Animate the waves
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
for ( p in sin_array ) {
sin_array[p].phase += sin_array[p].inc;
wave.draw_waves( sin_array );
The following example defines 12 waves each with random properties. Then it animates all 12 waves. In this example the wave is drawn with a fill and stroke.

// 6 SineWaves with random properties
var sin_array = new Array();
for ( var i = 0; i < 12; i ++ ) {
sin_array.push( new SineWave( Math.random() * Math.PI * 2, Math.random() * 36, ( Math.random() * 20 ) + 1, Math.random() - .5 ) );

// Set stroke weight and fill
wave.set_stroke( 3, 0x006600 );
// Set a fill, fill color ad fill alpha.
wave.set_fill( true, 0x009900, 100 );

// Animate the waves
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
for ( p in sin_array ) {
sin_array[p].phase += sin_array[p].inc;
wave.draw_waves( sin_array );

ImageStreak Class

Here is a class that loads an image and then draws it onto the stage as horizontal streaks. This borrows some from the ImageViewer. This example makes use the BitmapData class for pixel manipulation.

ImageStreak Class

[kml_flashembed movie=”examples/ImageStreak/ImageStreak1.swf” height=”300″ width=”400″ /]

The ImageStreak class supports the following methods:

ImageStreak( _mc:MovieClip, depth:Number, w:Number, h:Number, backgroundColor:Number )

  • _mc sets the host clip that will hold the ImageStreak.
  • depth, ImageStreak makes a new movie movie clip within it’s host at this depth.
  • w, sets the width of the image.
  • h, sets the height of the image.
  • backgrounColor, sets the background color the image will be drawn over.

Call this constructor function to build a new instance of ImageStreak. For example the following creates a new instance of the ImageStreak class named my_is. The image will drawn in test_mc at depth 1, and be 213 pixels width by 213 pixels tall with a black background.

var my_is = new ImageStreak( test_mc, 1, 213, 213, 0x000000 )

load_image( url:String )
This method loads a new image file into the ImageStreak instance. ImageStreak will display a message showing % loaded. When the image is loaded the transition begins. For example the following loads a new image into my_is from the folder images.

my_is.load_image( "images/IMG_0698.jpg" )

setSpeed( milsecs:Number )
This method sets the speed of the transition. The transition draws each pixel in each vertical column from left to right. The value passed here as milsecs sets the number of milliseconds spent drawing each row. In practice there seems to be limit to how fast Flash can draw each row. For example, the following sets the speed of each column to 1/10th of a second, meaning ImageStreak would draw 10 columns per second at this setting.

my_is.setSpeed( 100 )

set_border( stroke_weight:Number, stroke_color:Number )
This funciton draws a border around the ImageStreak instance.
Stroke_weight sets the line thickness of the stroke and stroke_color sets the color. For example, the following sets a 6 pixel white stroke stroke. Note: colors are set as hex colors, use 0x in place of #. So, #FF0000 (red) becomes 0xFF0000.

my_is.set_border( 6, 0xFFFFFF )

setStep( pixels:Number )

Sets the number of horizontal pixels drawn with each pass. The following would set a 10 pixel step.

my_is.setStep( 10 );

Use this method along with setSpeed() to control the speed of the transition.

ImageViewer 2

I’m trying to get caught up in my understanding of AS 2.0. With AS 3.0 here already I thought it would be good if I was only one version behind instead of two.

I got out my copy of Essential Actionscript 2.0 by Colin Moock. And started working on the ImageViewer class. This is a pretty good example with some practical uses.

I used the base ImageViewer and added some extra features of own.

ImageViewer 2 Class example

[kml_flashembed movie=”examples/ImageViewer/ImageViewer_031.swf” height=”300″ width=”400″ /]

I recently updated the ImageViewer2 so it now uses the mx.Tween class to contr it’s animated features. This now allows you to set the type of easing used for the resizing and alpha motion.

The ImageViewer2 Class uses the Following methods:

new ImageViewer2 ( target:MovieClip,
background:Boolean )

Use the constructor function to make a new instance of the ImageViewer2. For example the following make a new instance named my_iv with the following parameters:

  • Host movie clip image_mc
  • Depth of 1
  • X position 0
  • Y position 0
  • Width 200
  • Height 120
  • Border 6 pixels
  • Border color White
  • Solid background

var my_iv = new ImageViewer2 ( image_mc, 1, 0, 0, 200, 120, 6, 0xFFFFFF, true );

Setting background true provides a background in the viewer. If background is false the viewer is transparent.

loadImage ( URL:String )

Load an image into the view. Pass the URL to the image file. For example the following line loads the image house.jpg into the vewier my_iv:

my_iv.loadImage( "house.jpg" )

setShowFullImage( showFullImage:Boolean )

The ImageViewer can show show at a fixed size or resize to fit the current image. By default the ImageViewer does not resize. Calling this function and passing true will tell the ImageViewer to resize to fit the currently loaded image. For example:

my_iv.setShowFullImage( true )

When showFullImage is false the imageViewer does not resize as a new image is loaded.

set_center_align( align:Boolean )

The viewer can scale from the upper left or center. By default the ImageViewer resizes from the upper left corner. Calling set_center_align() and passing true tells the viewer to align from the center. For example:

my_iv.set_center_align( true )

setPosition( x:Number, y:Number )
This method sets the position of the image within the viewer. Setting the size of the viewer smaller than the size of the image and moving the images allows you to crop an area of the image. Passing 0 x and 0 y to setPosition aligns the image with the upper left corner of the viewer. For example the following code moves the image 50 pixels to the left and 20 pixels up:

my_iv.setPosition( -50, -20 )

setSize( w:Number, h:Number )
This method sets the visible area of the viewer. For example the following sets the size of the viewer to 100 wide by 200 pixels tall:

my_iv.setSize( 100, 200 )

The setSize() method uses the mx.Tween class to animate the size of th ImageViewer. The default is:


This is an elastic ease out. You can set the easing method using the size_ease_type().

This function makes the viewer resize to the size of the image that is currently loaded. For example:



The fadeOut() method fades the imageViewer to an _alpha of 0. It sues the speed set in the set_alpha_speed() method see below. If the ImageViewer is faded to 0 _alpha you can fade it up to 100 _alpha by calling fadeIn() or by loading an image with loadImage().


Fades the ImageViewer up to 100 _alpha.

Both the fadeIn() and fadeOut() methods use the mx.Tween class. The default easing is set to:


None provides a linear ease. You can set the easing for the alpha fade using the alpha_ease_type( ease ) method.

set_fade_time( seconds )

Pass this methed the length of alpha fade in second. This sets the time for both fadeIn() and fadeOut(), the time it takes for an image to fade in after it’s finished loading. You can pass fractions of a second using a decimal value. For example you can set the time to one and half seconds with:

set_fade_time( 1.5 )

set_size_time( seconds )

Pass this method the number of seconds the resizing animation will take. For example the following would set the resizing animation to 2.25 seconds:

set_size_time( 2.25 )

alpha_ease_type( mx.transitions.easing )

Pass this method any of the mx.transition.easing ease types. For example the following sets the alpha ease to a ease out Bounce:

alpha_ease_type( mx.transitions.easing.Bounce.easeOut )

size_ease_type( mx.transitions.easing )

Pass this method any of the mx.transitions.easing.ease types. For example the following sets the resizing animation to a strong ease out:

size_ease_type( mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut )


This method cleans th ImageViewer and deletes it. Note this doesn’t delete the movieclips created by the ImageVeiwer or it’s host clip. Best practice would be to call imageViewer.destroy() then delete the host clip or leave the frame where the host exists.

set_background_color( color )

Sets the color of the background fill. The following would set the background to a dark red:

set_background_color( 0x660000 )

Note the colors are set as a hex value. Replace the # with 0x. For example #FF0000 (red) becomes 0xFF0000.

Sliding Drawers

Here is an example that creates a series of movie clip buttons that slide to the left revealing content. I have included several variations on the idea in the example files.

In the first example the content images are kept within the movie. In the second and third the images are loaded with the MovieClipLoader. The third example uses an XML file to set the images being loaded.

Sliding Drawers

[kml_flashembed movie=”examples/drawers/Drawers_01.swf” width=”413″ height=”217″ /]

SinWave Class

SinWave Class

I have been trying to get caught up with AS 2.0, so I have been trying to make up some simple classes to practice with. Nothing too complex just something to get a better handle on using classes.

the SinWave class draws a sin wave on a movie clip. More accurately you pass it the instance name of a movie clip SinWave creates a new empty clip within that clip where it draws the sine wave.

The SinWave includes a phase property and a inc_phase() function to change the phase of the wave. Calling inc_phase() redraws the wave at the new phase. This can be used to animate the wave.

SinWave always draws the wave at _y of 0. So half the wave will above 0 and half will be below it. You’ll need to position the host clip at the vertical center point where the wave should appear. The height of he wave determines how far above and below 0 the wave will be drawn.

SinWave uses lineTo() to draw so the wave is drawn as a series of straight lines. The Steps parameter determines how many line segments are used to draw the whole wave. Setting steps to a low number creates a jagged and irregular wave. Larger numbers will create a smoother wave.

Create a new instance of SinWave with:
SinWave( _mc:MovieClip, steps:Number, width:Number, height:Number, phase:Number, cycles:Number, stroke_weight:Number, stroke_color:Number )

_mc: The instance name of the host clip.
steps: Sets the number of points to be used along the length of the wave.
width: Sets the width of the wave to be drawn.
height: Sets the height the wave above and below 0.
phase: Sets where along the sin cycle the wave begins.
cycles: Sets the number of cycles. 1 would produce a single sine wave peak to peak.

You might use the SinWave like this. Below I have created a new empty movie clip named sin_mc. And then used SinWave to draw a wave in it with a width of 550, height of 50 and 300 steps. 4 Cycles creates 4 waves peak to peak. With a 2 pixel red stroke.

this.createEmptyMovieClip( "sin_mc", 1 );
sin_mc._y = 200;

var my_sin = new SinWave( sin_mc, 300, 550, 50, 0, 4, 2, 0xFF0000 )

SinWave.inc_phase( n:Number )
This method adds n to the phase value of the SinWave. This sets where the wave begins drawing itself. You can use this to animate the wave. For example:

this.onEnterFrame = function() {
	my_sin.inc_phase( .1 );

SinWave.set_height( n:Number )
This method allows the height of the wave to be changed. Remember the wave will be twice this value, appearing n number of pixels above and below 0 in the host clip. For example to change the height of a SinWave to 100 pixels you might use:
SinWave.set_height( 50 )

SinWave.set_fill( onOff:Boolean, color:Number, height:Number, alpha:Number )
This method assigns a fill and fill color to the SinWave. The SinWave class draws the fill to the height set here. The effect is a rectangle with the top edge showing the wave. If the height is negative the rectangle is drawn above with the wave on the bottom edge. Setting onOff to true turns the fill on. Setting onOff to false turns the fill off. The alpha value sets the transparency of the fill. The following example creates adds a 100 pixel tall, red, 50% transparent fill:

SinWave.set_fill( true, 0xFF0000, 100, 50 )

Calling set_fill() once turns on the fill until further notice. To turn off the fill call set_fill with false as the first paramter, for example:
SinWave.set_fill( false, 0xFF0000, 100, 50 )

[kml_flashembed movie=”/examples/SinWave/Draw_Wave_012.swf” height=”200″ width=”350″ /]

Fuse Examples 01

Here are a few examples with notes. These examples all use the Fuse Kit.

Fuse Kit Examples 1

Fuse Kit is a set AS 2.0 Classes that handle animating objects with Actionscript. Fuse can animate any property in Flash.

Fuse also goes beyond animation. It adds new properties that do not exist in the stock Flash. These new properties make the job of making Flash movies much easier. For example the shortcuts include a proeprty for each of the filters. Assigning blur to an object just becomes a matter of setting my_mc.Blur_blur.

I have had a lot of fun playing with the Fuse Kit and would recommend everyone try it out. Here’s a link:

Simple Scrollbar Class

Here’s a simple AS 2.0 Class that creates a scrollbar. The ScrollBar class takes two parameters. The name of the movie clip that will act as the scrollbar and the name of a function the scrollbar will call when it is dragged.

new ScrollBar( target_mc, callBack )

The target_mc must have two clips inside named drag_mc and track_mc. The first is the dragger and the second sets the limits for the dragger. You can design these in any way you like as long as they use the instance names

  • drag_mc
  • track_mc

For best results place the registration points of both clips in the upper left corner and align both clips within their parent.

The callback can be any function name that you have defined. The ScrollBar class will send a value from 0 to 1 to the callback that gives the percentage position of drag_mc from the top of track_mc.

For example if you made a clip with both drag_mc and track_mc you might give that clip the instance name of scroll_mc. To make a new instance of ScrollBar you could use the following:

var a_scrollbar:Scrollbar = new Scrollbar( scroll_mc, test );

When the scrollbar is dragged the function test would be called and passed a value between 0 and 1 representing the position of the dragger. You could use this to scroll some text in a dynamic text field or set the volume of a sound object.

Here is a sample function that would scroll a dynamic text field named scroll_txt:

function test( n ) {
scroll_txt.scroll = Math.round( ( scroll_txt.maxscroll - 1 ) * n ) + 1;

Simple Scrollbar Class

Here’s an example of the scrollbar in action.

[kml_flashembed movie=”examples/Scrollbar/Scrollbar.swf” height=”156″ width=”314″ /]

Scrollbar( host_mc:MovieClip, call_back_func:Function )

Creates a new Instance of Scrollbar. The host_mc clip must contain two clips named drag_mc and track_mc. These clips act as the scrollbar. track_mc sets the limits while drag_mc is the interactive clip.

The call back function can be the name of any function you define. It will receive one parameter, a value representing how far the scrollbar is scrolled. The range of the returned value will be from 0.0 to 1.0. With 0.0 being the value returned when the scrollbar is at the top (or left when scrolling horizontally) and 1.0 when the scrollbar is at the bottom (or right). You can use this value to control elements in your movie.

  • host_mc: a movie clip containing the drag_mc and track_mc.
  • call_back: the name of a function that will be called when the scrollbar is scrolled.

scroll_horizontal( horizontal_scroll:Boolean )

This method determines whether the scrollbar scrolls vertical or horizontal. By default the scrollbar scrolls vertically. Calling scroll_horizontal() and passing true makes the scrollbar scroll horizontally.


The method returns the current value of the scrollbar.

setValue( n:Number )

The method sets the current position of the scrollbar. Pass a value of 0 to 100.

Property enabled

This property enables and disables the scrollbar.